Fully on-site staff work in a variety of environments, from skilled trade workshops to dorms, our hospitals and medical facilities, our beautiful grounds, athletic facilities, offices and more. Recognizing fully on-site staff and their contributions to the University is something that is recommended for every manager as part of the Work Reimagined program.
This content is intended to share some best practices and ideas that can help you foster engagement and provide flexible work schedule options for fully on-site staff.
Here are a few ideas for leaders to undertake themselves, e.g., Leadership Success Program training, as well as ideas to incorporate into your on-site staff engagement efforts:
- Join a Leadership Success Program (LSP) cohort
- Review available policies and operational schedule alternatives
- Host regular co-worker morale and recognition events (you may even want to include meals and/or snacks); don’t forget to ask co-workers to give kudos to each other as well
- Offer Lunch and Learn sessions to provide development/growth opportunities and/or operational updates
- Provide cross training and upskilling opportunities; UCI staff have access to Udemy, which hosts a myriad of training and upskilling courses
- Conduct department focus groups to capture ideas on operational improvements, etc., from co-workers; as necessary, provide transparency regarding why some ideas cannot be implemented based on operational needs
- Learn about more Tips for Providing Recognition