WEBVTT - https://subtitletools.com 00:00:12.303 --> 00:00:15.390 non-represented UCI employees. 00:00:15.390 --> 00:00:17.267 Please watch and listen carefully 00:00:17.267 --> 00:00:20.687 to learn more about how to have an effective check-in discussion 00:00:20.687 --> 00:00:22.397 as part of ACHIEVE 00:00:22.397 --> 00:00:27.193 the new staff performance program implemented in July 2017. 00:00:27.861 --> 00:00:29.529 Research shows that when 00:00:29.529 --> 00:00:32.824 employees and managers communicate more regularly and honestly 00:00:32.824 --> 00:00:34.909 about performance progress 00:00:34.909 --> 00:00:36.119 changing priorities 00:00:36.119 --> 00:00:37.954 and developmental opportunities 00:00:37.954 --> 00:00:40.373 employee engagement increases 00:00:40.582 --> 00:00:42.876 employee retention rises 00:00:42.876 --> 00:00:45.670 and organizational performance improves 00:00:46.046 --> 00:00:48.465 The performance check-in discussion provides 00:00:48.506 --> 00:00:52.010 the opportunity for this important communication to occur. 00:00:52.594 --> 00:00:55.430 To ensure a successful check-in discussion, 00:00:55.472 --> 00:00:58.308 employees and managers should prepare and plan. 00:00:59.142 --> 00:01:02.604 To prepare, the employee will consider their own performance 00:01:02.604 --> 00:01:04.814 accomplishments since the last discussion 00:01:05.148 --> 00:01:08.860 consider information and resources they may need to be successful, 00:01:09.277 --> 00:01:13.698 identify anything that might increase job satisfaction and success 00:01:13.865 --> 00:01:16.284 and complete their self check-in form 00:01:16.951 --> 00:01:19.162 The manager then prepares for the discussion 00:01:19.162 --> 00:01:21.247 by going through a very similar process. 00:01:21.581 --> 00:01:24.167 He or she reviews the employee's performance, 00:01:24.459 --> 00:01:27.587 considers resources that could be helpful to the employee, 00:01:27.837 --> 00:01:32.008 identifies ways to increase job satisfaction and success 00:01:32.300 --> 00:01:34.469 and completes the employee's check-in.- 00:01:34.803 --> 00:01:37.347 The manager may submit the employee's check-in 00:01:37.347 --> 00:01:40.683 before or after they meet for the check-in discussion. 00:01:41.184 --> 00:01:44.479 If the manager submits the check-in before the discussion, 00:01:44.687 --> 00:01:47.148 the employee can view the manager's feedback 00:01:47.148 --> 00:01:49.025 prior to the check-in discussion 00:01:49.317 --> 00:01:52.779 If the manager submits the check-in after the discussion, 00:01:52.779 --> 00:01:54.572 the employee and manager review 00:01:54.572 --> 00:01:56.699 the manager's feedback during the discussion 00:01:57.283 --> 00:01:57.992 Either way, 00:01:58.034 --> 00:02:00.328 once the manager submits the check-in, 00:02:00.328 --> 00:02:03.873 both the employee and manager can view and print the document 00:02:04.249 --> 00:02:08.211 Next, the employee and manager plan for the check-in discussion. 00:02:08.670 --> 00:02:10.839 It is recommended that the discussion take place 00:02:10.839 --> 00:02:13.716 during one of the regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings 00:02:13.716 --> 00:02:15.760 between the employee and manager 00:02:15.885 --> 00:02:18.805 however, it can be scheduled as a separate meeting. 00:02:19.597 --> 00:02:22.183 The discussion should be shorter and more informal 00:02:22.183 --> 00:02:25.228 than a traditional annual performance evaluation meeting. 00:02:25.645 --> 00:02:28.523 The discussion should be positive and constructive. 00:02:28.731 --> 00:02:31.276 After all, the purpose of an effective check-in 00:02:31.526 --> 00:02:36.030 is the opportunity for communication, growth and success. 00:02:36.197 --> 00:02:38.116 The format of the check-in discussion 00:02:38.116 --> 00:02:40.827 should be tailored to fit the needs of the participants. 00:02:40.994 --> 00:02:42.036 For example, 00:02:42.078 --> 00:02:46.875 the employee and manager may decide to review each goal and discussion question 00:02:46.875 --> 00:02:50.044 identifying and resolving variances as they go 00:02:50.378 --> 00:02:55.383 Or, they may decide to spend their time on the most critical goals or areas of concern. 00:02:55.842 --> 00:02:57.385 Whatever format is selected, 00:02:57.385 --> 00:03:00.013 the outcome of the discussion should be the same 00:03:00.513 --> 00:03:02.307 clarification of objectives, 00:03:02.473 --> 00:03:04.601 identification of roadblocks, 00:03:04.642 --> 00:03:06.352 and planning for the next check-in period 00:03:06.352 --> 00:03:08.229 using current check-in performance 00:03:08.229 --> 00:03:11.107 to adjust, revise and recalibrate. 00:03:11.357 --> 00:03:14.235 While the check-in discussion addresses performance 00:03:14.235 --> 00:03:16.571 and opportunities for professional development 00:03:16.821 --> 00:03:20.283 it should not serve as the official performance improvement plan 00:03:20.283 --> 00:03:22.118 or training and development plan 00:03:22.619 --> 00:03:24.120 Managers should contact their 00:03:24.120 --> 00:03:27.540 department HR representative regarding either of these. 00:03:27.957 --> 00:03:30.919 There may be topics that do not seem to fit into either section 00:03:30.919 --> 00:03:31.044 There may be topics that do not seem to fit into either section of the check-in form. 00:03:31.044 --> 00:03:32.378 of the check-in form. 00:03:32.879 --> 00:03:36.341 For example, where would "customer service" be addressed? 00:03:36.591 --> 00:03:38.509 Remember, the purpose of the check-in 00:03:38.509 --> 00:03:39.636 is constructive, 00:03:39.636 --> 00:03:42.013 honest, two-way communication. 00:03:42.347 --> 00:03:44.891 Regardless of where the issue is addressed, 00:03:44.891 --> 00:03:47.352 the point is that it is addressed. 00:03:47.644 --> 00:03:50.355 The check-in form is designed to be flexible. 00:03:50.355 --> 00:03:53.066 Customer service can either be added as a goal 00:03:53.149 --> 00:03:56.027 or it can be discussed in one of the discussion questions. 00:03:56.277 --> 00:03:57.278 For example, 00:03:57.278 --> 00:04:00.615 the manager may address it in their feedback to Question 2 00:04:00.865 --> 00:04:03.952 How have you performed as an enterprise contributor 00:04:04.118 --> 00:04:07.455 and demonstrated innovation during this check-in period? 00:04:07.747 --> 00:04:11.501 Responding to e-mails and phone calls with accurate information 00:04:11.501 --> 00:04:15.463 and in a timely manner allows others to complete their work. 00:04:15.672 --> 00:04:18.341 By addressing customer service concerns, 00:04:18.341 --> 00:04:20.718 the manager is coaching the employee 00:04:20.718 --> 00:04:24.389 on how to become a better enterprise contributor. 00:04:24.639 --> 00:04:28.142 Performance check-in discussions between employees and managers 00:04:28.309 --> 00:04:32.146 allow for mentoring, coaching and professional development 00:04:32.146 --> 00:04:36.609 and lead to recognition, advancement, growth and achievement 00:04:36.818 --> 00:04:41.948 All things that will drive UCI performance to even greater heights. 00:04:41.948 --> 00:04:43.658 To learn more about ACHIEVE, 00:04:43.658 --> 00:04:51.541 please visit hr.uci.edu/partnership /performance