Highlights from Surveys and Focus Groups


Top five changes staff would make to next year’s merit program
(as identified in the survey and focus groups):

  1. Provide larger fund – last year’s fund not large enough to be effective
  2. Release program information earlier – implementation seemed rushed and confusing
  3. Communicate performance criteria earlier – supervisors should communicate performance criteria for each merit level so employees know what is required to earn merit
  4. Complete performance evaluations before determining merit awards – absence of completed performance evaluation caused confusion regarding what performance period was used to determine merit
  5. Train supervisors – supervisors were knowledgeable about program but unclear about how to evaluate performance, calibrate and communicate with staff


Top five changes supervisors would make to next year’s merit program (as identified in the survey and focus groups):

  1. Provide larger budget – to allow for differentiation
  2. Align merits with performance evaluations – challenging to determine merit awards without performance evaluations completed
  3. Give more time – supervisors should communicate performance criteria for each merit level so employees know what is required to earn merit
  4. Deliver more in-person HR training – need directly from HR on new program, performance management and communication; streamline online training
  5. Include supervisors in calibration process – merit levels changed without notification, felt as though input was disregarded